Welcome to the Integrative Transpersonal Institute
The Integrative Transpersonal Institute was founded in 2018 with the intention of creating an innovative, professional and human space to study and explore in a safe context the therapeutic, transformative and evolutionary potential of transpersonal psychology and expanded states of consciousness, offering training , psychotherapy, workshops, courses and conferences, from an integrative and interdisciplinary approach.

The Integrative Transpersonal Institute (ITI), founded by Dr. Iker Puente, is the continuation of the work that he had been carrying out in the field of transpersonal psychology and expanded states of consciousness in collaboration with different centers and institutions, serving as a confluence of different projects carried out until now.
sWith the foundation of the ITI we want to give a broader framework to our activities from an integrative approach, nourishing ourselves with the contributions of transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy, the integral approach of Ken Wilber, Gestalt therapy and other humanistic approaches, meditation, body work, psychedelic psychotherapy, music therapy and coaching, among others.
The ITI aims to be a meeting, training, growth and dissemination space for people who seek to learn about and nurture themselves from the transpersonal approach and the responsible use of techniques to induce expanded states of consciousness in safe contexts. Our goal is to become a benchmark in the fields of transpersonal psychology and psychedelic psychotherapy, helping people who want to continue advancing on their path of personal growth, offering quality activities with professionals of recognized prestige and innovative, rigorous and avant-garde training.
The ITI also has a decentralized and international vocation. In addition to the activities we carry out in Barcelona and other places on the Iberian Peninsula, we collaborate with training and therapy centers in other European countries and in Latin America, and we also offer online courses and activities.
I feel very grateful to have participated in the first Integrative Transpersonal Psychology course. The first and most important thing for me is to highlight the atmosphere of complicity and intimacy that is established with the group thanks to Iker. Feeling that you are in a group that supports you and that together we walk the same path is already a gift in itself.
I signed up for the course looking for a structure for all the knowledge and experiences that I was acquiring from retreats and workshops, and here I have found it. The theoretical content of the course is exhaustive and methodical. It goes into great depth in the most advanced studies and authors in the field of transpersonal psychology, most of them have never even been mentioned in the Spanish psychology universities. Iker has extensive knowledge in international theoretical and research lines, and he transmits it with talent and method.
Also noteworthy are the collaborations of teachers from our country who work with different therapeutic techniques. The theory and practice that we learn from them and them every weekend gave me a very complete vision of therapies and techniques to apply in the future. For me, practice and theory are given in a necessary balance to deepen the knowledge of being. Thus, I feel that it is necessary to continue with the entire training, since many fields are opened up that cannot be mastered with a first course.
— Ariadna R.

Our focus
The methodology we use is nourished by the contributions of different psychotherapeutic approaches, which include transpersonal psychotherapy and the work of Stansilav Grof, gestalt therapy, the person-centered approach of Carl Rogers, the integral approach of Ken Wilber, meditation, body work, work with breathing, music therapy and coaching, among others.
We consider the person from a holistic perspective, recognizing the importance of attending to the physical, emotional, cognitive, systemic and spiritual dimensions of the human being. We also believe that these dimensions are interrelated and mutually influencing each other. Our thoughts can influence our emotions, emotions can influence physical state, and our body can affect our thoughts and mood. And, at a deep level, all of these dimensions form a unity, which we can experience when we have transpersonal experiences and/or expanded states of consciousness.
We believe that integral development, transpersonal education and expanded states of consciousness are fundamental human rights. On the other hand, we believe it is essential to work with the utmost respect and care when working with expanded states of consciousness, which is why all our activities are governed by a Code of Ethics.
Our therapeutic principles:
Opening to the transpersonal dimension. We recognize the existence of a spiritual or transpersonal dimension in the human being that everyone can access.
Conviction, based on experience and research, that contact with transpersonal dimensions can be transformative.
Amplified states of consciousness and the techniques to produce them are a pathway to transpersonal experiences, and can be a useful tool for healing and growth.
Certain relationships and life situations can create limiting symptoms and patterns in the person. However, we believe that there is a force in the individual that creates a natural tendency towards healing and the development of their potentials.
The transpersonal vision of psychospiritual transformation greatly extends the self’s capacity for healing and growth, compared to other approaches, and relies on the wisdom of the “inner healer” that each human being harbors within.
We start from an approach to development and healing that contemplates all levels of the spectrum of identity / consciousness – egoic, existential and transpersonal – and the different dimensions of the human being: corporal, emotional, cognitive, systemic and transpersonal.
We work from a person-centered approach, respecting the process, the pace of development and the path chosen by each individual, and working with each client with the techniques that are directly relevant to their current state.
We believe that the therapeutic relationship is the vehicle for the development process of the client and the therapist.
We start from an integrative approach that recognizes the contributions made by each school of psychology – psychoanalysis and depth psychology, cognitive sciences, constructivism, humanistic psychology, existential approaches and transpersonal psychology – at a theoretical and practical level.

Our vision
We currently live in a time in which Western societies are showing a growing interest in expanded states of consciousness and the different techniques to induce them. However, there are few spaces where these states can be safely explored and the experiences induced by these states openly and honestly shared.
Our vision advocates a society that offers safe and accessible contexts in which they want to experience expanded states of consciousness through different techniques and tools, both in contexts of psychotherapy and training, personal development and spiritual search, supported by rigorous scientific studies and state-of-the-art experts who assess their potential risks and benefits.
Our mission
The mission of the Integrative Transpersonal Institute is to offer a space for psychotherapy, training and dissemination of transpersonal psychology and expanded states of consciousness, developing therapeutic, training and cultural contexts so that people can benefit from the careful use of the different techniques that are have developed throughout history to induce expanded states of consciousness and transpersonal experiences.
We understand that personal growth is not limited only to cognitive development, but rather implies a balanced development of the different dimensions of the human being – corporal, emotional, cognitive, systemic and spiritual. Through an integrative approach that recognizes these dimensions, we can walk towards a fuller and more balanced development, enriched by the recognition of a transpersonal or spiritual dimension in the human being.

Our mission
The mission of the Integrative Transpersonal Institute is to offer a space for psychotherapy, training and dissemination of transpersonal psychology and expanded states of consciousness, developing therapeutic, training and cultural contexts so that people can benefit from the careful use of the different techniques that are have developed throughout history to induce expanded states of consciousness and transpersonal experiences.
We understand that personal growth is not limited only to cognitive development, but rather implies a balanced development of the different dimensions of the human being – corporal, emotional, cognitive, systemic and spiritual. Through an integrative approach that recognizes these dimensions, we can walk towards a fuller and more balanced development, enriched by the recognition of a transpersonal or spiritual dimension in the human being.
Training in Integrative Transpersonal Psychology
We offer a rigorous, avant-garde and quality theoretical and experiential training that responds to the growing demand and interest in this school of psychology from an integrative and interdisciplinary approach.
Feeling the accompaniment and authenticity with which Iker conducts the transpersonal breathing sessions and the individual sessions has allowed me to become deeply aware of my emotions, reinforcing self-love and allowing me to be more in touch with my potentialities.
— Francesc G.
Hello! I am Iker Puente, founder of the Integrative Transpersonal Institute.
I am a psychologist and psychotherapist with a transpersonal orientation, and I work from an integrative approach, the result of extensive training and professional experience. My early interest in expanded states of consciousness led me to study Psychology at the University of Deusto and discover transpersonal psychology. In the year 2000 I learned about Holotropic Breathwork, and I had an experience that left a deep mark on me personally and professionally. After this experience I decided that I wanted to dedicate myself to studying the therapeutic potential of expanded states of consciousness and the different techniques to induce them.
In 2001 I moved to Barcelona to continue my training, where I initially studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and trained in the use of expanded states of consciousness at the Society for Ethnopsychology and Cognitive Studies. After this stage, a need to integrate my experiences into expanded states of consciousness led me to train in Gestalt Therapy, delving into my emotional world and acquiring numerous psychotherapeutic tools, which allowed me to start accompanying other people in their processes of change.
In 2006 I met Stanislav Grof, I began to train with him in transpersonal psychotherapy and holotropic breathing, and I decided to do a doctorate focused on this approach at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, investigating the therapeutic potential of this and other breathing techniques. At this stage I made several stays at the California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco, the cradle of transpersonal psychology. Subsequently, I have continued training in other approaches -body therapy, Vipassana meditation, Claudio Naranjo’s SAT program, Coaching, NLP and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, among others- adding new resources to the tools with which I was already working in psychotherapy.
I have been working as a psychotherapist since 2008. I have collaborated as a teacher in numerous centers and institutions in Catalonia, Europe and Latin America. I regularly participate in international conferences on transpersonal psychology and related disciplines. I have published numerous articles in various specialized journals, I have been assistant editor of the ˝Journal of Transpersonal Research˝ and in 2017 I published my first book, ˝Psychedelic Research and Psychotherapy. Past, present and future.
In 2018 I decided to create the Integrative Transpersonal Institute, a meeting, training, growth and dissemination space for people who seek to learn about and nurture themselves from the transpersonal approach and the responsible use of techniques to induce expanded states of consciousness in safe contexts from an integrative approach.